Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Freddie The Brave Stallion

Freddie loves going to the park. He is very interactive with the other dogs, and almost every time he gets into a fight. Although Freddie is a strong male Cocker spaniel, or an english hunting dog, he runs away from his fights and hides. He almost every time hides in the same spot, The table. He jumps up onto the table, and as all the other dogs aren't naughty, they don't jump up to. This technique has proved very well for Freddie, as no other dog has tried to follow him.

Apart from getting into fights, Freddie values his time at the park. Whenever I come home from school, he will run to greet me, with his lead in his mouth. He drops the lead in front of me, and nudges it forward. I always want to take him, but most days, because of Melbourne's AMAZING weather I can't. When we do go to the park together, we stay there for a fun 1-2 hours.

Most days we go with my next-door neighbour, and some days even his dog, coco comes. When we are at the park together, I play either AFL or Cricket, and Freddie is always wanting to join in.

Freddie and I love going to the park together <3 and he is such a fierce warrior :)


  1. Thanks for your comment on Yogi's blog:D
    I can't wait to see some photos of Freddie up on your blog.
    We took Yogi down the park today too. He loves it. Especially when he can get the other dogs chasing him.

  2. haha, Freddie's the same, he gets them to chase him then runs away :P

    I will post some photos tonight :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
